Becoming a green fleet

With mass distribution logistics and the acceleration in e-commerce deliveries, fleets must become more efficient and incorporate cleaner energy sources in their operations. Alternative gas options such as liquified natural gas (LNG) and hydrogen (H2) are safe, proven, and efficient solutions for freight transport. Combined with governmental initiatives to support the development and adoption of new energies, they help tackle the challenge of creating new private stations owned by freight operators.

Equipment and services for small, medium, and large businesses

LNG is a more environmentally friendly fuel with proven value for freight transport fleets, as it provides considerable autonomy and emits less carbon dioxide compared to other fossil fuels. TSG delivers complete solutions for LNG stations, encompassing studies, sizing, construction, installation, and site maintenance. From small transporters to large logistic companies, we work with partners like Cryostar to provide equipment to meet different size requirements, such as 3 barg and 8 barg.

Hydrogen as an alternative to heavy transportation

In the long term, there is a great potential for a real hydrogen revolution that would play a big role in a decarbonized society.

Why hydrogen?

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