Simple steps for a quick turnaround

In a car and machine rental company, returning vehicles need to be ready for the next customer in no time. With just a few essential services, car rental businesses can make sure their vehicles are soon in perfect shape for a great new customer experience. TSG offers solutions to support this process – ensuring large fleet owners can benefit from on-site features to facilitate daily activities such as washing, refuelling, recharging and vehicle identification.

Effortless cleaning and washing onsite

Between one customer returning a vehicle and the next customer picking it up, rental businesses are busy making sure their fleet cars are in good condition. TSG’s car wash systems with integrated vacuum cleaning and a range of different wash programmes can alleviate the workload and freshen up cars of all shapes and sizes.

How to create the right charging infrastructure for your electric fleet

As fleet operators shift to electric vehicles, there is a compelling need to create a charging infrastructure to satisfy their operational requirements.

How to create the ideal infrastructure for your fleet?

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