A wash you can trust

Car dealerships rely on cost-efficient car wash equipment that delivers solid results with minimum maintenance. As well as looking for high throughput with good hall utilisation, operators need to know their car wash’s fundamental features will function reliably and at high quality over the long term, increasing customer satisfaction.

From cost centre to profit centre

When there are other companies in the neighbourhood, car dealerships can set up a system that allows external vehicles to be washed in exchange for compensation – creating a type of half-public site that decreases the costs of operating the wash. TSG WashLOG, part of the LOGmaster family, provides business managers with an NFC tag that allows them to log in and use the car wash, creating a usage report that will later serve to create an invoice.

Select the car wash solution that matches your business

Depending on the site, there are several options and solutions.

How to choose the perfect car wash solution

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